2009 Official Miami-Broward One Carnival Launching!

Thursday, August 20, 2009 clivia 3 Comments

Look for the VIBRATIONZZ TENT!! And LIVE models in Costumes
finally live coverage from Brown girl...i been slacking i know ...i know

More Info
Saturday, August 22, 2009 @ 9pm to 4 am
location: Mahi Temple, Miami

$10 in advance/More at the Door
1480 NW North River Drive
Roger George, Leon Coldero & Code 868
DJ Mixmaster Roderick, Maestro, Dorenzo, Gary Enforcement, Eternal Vibes
Food by ANNA
Display of costumes of all registered Miami-Broward Mas Bands and Steelbands
28 Mas Bands registered, plus steel bands
Call 305-653-1877



BUDGET Budget Budget vs Labor Of Love

Thursday, August 13, 2009 clivia 4 Comments

So, Ive been talking to couple section leaders and band leaders for Miami Carnival. and the topic du jour of course is Budget.

With the economy as it is, it's almost becoming a decision by band leaders or section leaders to risk their personal financial position and continue with production or sit out the season.

With Trinidad and Labor Day carnival already upon us, band leaders are finding issues, with materials, and of course production. When you were able to find production groups willing to schedule the time to make costumes for Miami Carnival, because of the seasons being so close together, your finding that your sources for swim suits, for production, for materials, are choosing to pass on your offer because they are ALREADY overwhelmed for Trinidad Carnival.

Which then means sourcing your labor locally. For some bands this is not a problem, but for others it makes things very difficult and would then involve in house production when most people have a 9-5 as well as a mas band.

On top of that is the fact that in Miami you cannot afford to outprice yourself. while people will pay 200+ dollars for costumes in New York for Labor day, for some STRANGE reason, they wont pay that price in Miami. Materials are more expensive, even when bought in bulk, and you cant pass on that bump in price to the masquerader.

So when you go to your section leader or band leader or Mas band, Make sure you tell them thank you for doing this..because it sure as HELL not about profit...its a labor of love.



One Carnival - If you are having second thoughts..

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 clivia 0 Comments

Why Miss this??

* There are TWENTY SIX registered bands participating!!! Twenty six! This does not include the steelbands and non competing entrants in the parade.
* Clearchannel is a sponsor and there will be non-caribbean press and community groups from many english and non english speaking countries that have their own type of carnival..including a Brazil contingent, and a samba school.
* The Streets of Miami have been allocated to the carnival for 11 hours. Let me explain. The Streets. The Party continues in the park...till the following morning.
* I'll have the parade route and times for you in the next few weeks.
* The launch of the carnival is at Mahi Temple In august. EVERY registered band must participate and present. Its going to be almost a Tent City, where each band creates a presentation that should coincide with the Theme of their presentation. And Yes. It is a competition.
WHOOO HOOO.. Admission is $10.00 in advance. All the dj's registered with the individual bands are slated to play, including local soca bands!!

Stay tuned..



Reshoot - Show Girls

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 clivia 4 Comments

I did a reshoot of Show girls this weekend, because I thought it didnt represent well in the first shoot.
Here are the new pics. Opinions?



Playing Mas for Beginners in Miami

Sunday, August 09, 2009 clivia 2 Comments

If you're playing mas for the first time in Miami, the biggest step is research. Some people believe that you can only play mas in a band where you know someone or someone knows you. If you're playing with a crew or group.. It doesn't matter.

Your priority should be, value for your budget. Most bands in Florida are all inclusive - In that you pay one price and you're provided with your costume, meals, drinks and snacks for the day. Once you have the adequate food and drink, your costume fits and your music is on point, WHO CARES WHO YOU PLAY WITH!! Your process should involve searching for the websites or attending the band launches of the bands registered to play in Florida.

When you find a costume in your price range, you pay your deposit, and at that point most bands will adequately direct you as to what your next steps should be.

If you're playing solo, my bias is for the smaller bands. They tend to embrace you and make you feel as if you are a part of their group, probably because they have more people on hand and more time to attend to the individual needs of their masqueraders. I'm not saying that the large bands are inattentive just that they may not be as hands on as the small to medium size bands.

Miami Carnival Inc's website is a great starting point. They have an updated list of the bands registered to play mas in the parade. There you will find all the contact information, emails, websites and phone numbers of the bands and you can start your process there.

Here is the list as of this post
21st Century Steel Orchestra
contact: Mike Kernahan 516-996-8906 ranellis@caribbeanaffairs.info

Acapai Players
contact: Patricia Roberts 786-337-0552 acapai@yahoo.com

Belize Association
contact: Wayne Savery 305-200-1589

Break Awae Kru
contact: Ricky Byer grbyer30@aol.com

Caribbean USA (CUSA) "Pirates Invasion"
contact: Doc Mahabir 786-390-3204 hmahabir1@hotmail.com

Carnival Nationz
contact: Lesley Anne Chantack 954-298-3381

China Mas Group "Celebration"
contact: Alicia Gibbs 305.969.2981 Chinamasgroup@hotmail.com

Community Vibe Organization
contact: Susan Perry-StAnge 239-692-6321 nyolatrinifam@hotmail.com

D' Gathering
contact: Inskip Morris 954.478.0681 landaudjl@bellsouth.net

Euphoria Promotions
contact: Cassy Sealy 954-610-3516 csealy924@bellsouth.net

Fun Generation
contact: Anthony Irish 786-308-6258 fun.generation@yahoo.com

contact: Tyrone Silva 561-373-1878 djcobra55@aol.com

Generation X "Candy Land"
contact: Gregory Antoni 305-233-0697 generationx@bellsouth.net

Major Players
contact: Ruby Allison Limere 305-318-6759 ralimere@aol.com

Mas Warriors
contact: Claudette Marryshow 754-423-3714 camarryshow@yahoo.com

contact: Nicole Sankar 954-249-1039 nikki_mia@hotmail.com

Miami Pan Symphony Steel Orchestra 2001 Inc.
contact: Carol Barnet (305)233-6135 christineduv@yahoo.com

Middle Essence
contact: Jacinta Seunarine 954-673-3886 jacinta0606@yahoo.com

Musketeers International, Inc.
contact: Pieter Hendrichus 305-495-3440 pieter.hendrichus@gmail.com

Natural Freaks Unlimited
contact: Grayson Peters 718.781.2129 daddygrace1@gmail.com

Party People "Reflections of the Rain Forest"
contact: Michelle Crichlow 305-652-8648 partypeoplemiami@gmail.com

Party Room Squad
contact: Carl Montes 305.301.8538 Montes_cm@bellsouth.net

Riverland Mas Band
contact: Elka Cools 754-214-4608 riverlandmas@yahoo.com

Skan D Lus International
contact: Ivy Lewis 786-380-3038 trinlu710@yahoo.com

Ti Chapo
contact: Rolyde Azard 954-536-9407 rolaz9@yahoo.com

Unies International
contact: Alison Adams 954-253-1614 unies@hotmail.com

VI Treasures
contact: Annette Samuel 954-677-4170 vitreasures@yahoo.com

contact: Kizzy Alleyne 954-655-5597 kizzy@vibrationzz.com

Wassi Ones
contact: Giselle Blanche Thewassione@aol.com

Wifresh Entertainment
contact: Michael Wiggins 321-443-8454 mstrwonder718@yahoo.com

Most bands have a website that will allow you to pay your deposit online. Balances are paid in cash at the time of pick up and instructions will be given to you then, as to where and when to pick up your costume.This is also a good time to meet your point person, as if there are any issues you can contact them.

Most out of towners arrive in Florida on the Friday or Saturday before the parade on Sunday. If you expect to get into town later that the date assigned for your section, make sure to contact your point person and make special arrangements for pick up.

Keep track of your payments and balances and keep them all in a file. Keep note of the address for your pick up location and the times for your specific section. And most of all have fun.

The Miami experience is unique. Enjoy it!



Vegas Lights - Showgirls

Tuesday, August 04, 2009 clivia 0 Comments

Show Girls Yellow & Purple



Vegas Nights - Black Jack

Tuesday, August 04, 2009 clivia 0 Comments

Black Jack - Frontline and Backline

Type your summary here

Type rest of the post here



Vegas Nights 2009 - Vegas Lights

Tuesday, August 04, 2009 clivia 0 Comments

Vegas Lights



Vegas Nights - The Costumes - Jack Pot

Tuesday, August 04, 2009 clivia 1 Comments

Why I've been So Busy.
Our photo shoot was this weekend.
Here are the pictures :)

