Carnival Begins...Miami Carnival 2006..Multiple Personalities

Monday, July 24, 2006 clivia 0 Comments

So....this year....Im trying to do a carnival blog...

something that will cover my angst and anger and stress and happiness during this cathartic process called carnival...

we had our photo shoot this weekend for our brochures so ...immediately...Clivia the artist......look..i have plenty personalities okay??? Clivia the artist is immediately sensitive and testy and wants to pee..and go back in the car and hide...and start over the blasted costumes...
You KNOW That braid wasnt right...and why di arse you think you is Mac Farlane and bending wire...STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!

.....while Tallest the section leader jus brazen and busy...and looking for design elements to vaguely plagiarize....

so I sent an email to the posse this morning...after the days drama.....and im gonna use it as my first Carnival series post.

...nicole...this is for you...
The names and situtations have been changed to protect the innocent....