Organic reactions - Soca Classics
That's all I can call it...An Organic reaction...
When you're a soca lover....and maybe this is just because I am a Born Trinidadian...
Some songs produce a physical reaction in you ...sometimes without you being aware of it..
Im sure that music in GENERAL does that to everyone...
it produces a physical response...
Maybe it's just me..
and feel free to refer to the disclaimer on my page...
I notice that most times its a that know??
Not too fast ..not too slow...
But something in the Chords..
In the song structure...[hmm...most of them have a minor key in it??]
Or a transition into a bridge ...
Must talk to spiritual advisor about that....
But I know....
that there are songs...Calypso/Soca/Kaiso....
that produce an organic reaction in me...
my eyes water...
my taste buds wake up...
and I have to swallow...
the hairs on the back of my neck standup...
my arm pits tingle...
i tighten my stomach...and um other muscles..[the uhm...urine control ones??? BWAHAHAHAHAH]
I have this flight urge....or maybe it's a run urge???
Cause I need space...
I feel like i should be running...or moving ...or going somewhere..
Most times I end up jus running in circles...but the URGE Is there...
I would imagine that my facial expression is hilarious..
Because I want to tell somebody.....
do you Hear that??
do you? you? you feel that too?
It's in my chest... can you feel that too?
Am I crazy??
It's doing something to my body?
Should I worry?
I can't worry??
What if it breaks me??
Something's happening?
I don't know what it is...
Do I laugh?? Or Cry?? or Scream??
I'm Crazy right?
Oh Gorm it happening...
allyuh, happening...
and then...
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